Welcome to the Graphic Communications Department at Truckee Meadows Community College.



GRC Certificate of Achievement

The certificate of achievement in graphic communications prepares students for jobs in areas of graphic communications. This includes graphic design, advertising design, electronic media production and computer graphics for a variety of media. The program instructs in both theory and application on the latest print and monitor-based graphicsc software. GRC certificates are for students who may have a degree or have industry experience and are looking for certification in their field.

To see what's required to get this certificate, please visit the certificate worksheet provided by TMCC.


GRC AAS Degree

The Graphics Communications (GRC) program offers classes that lead to an Associate degree. Instruction includes the use of industry standard graphics software, and GRC computer labs are equipped with the latest Macintosh computers with support scanners, printers, a sound recording facility and a complete prepress/print shop facility.

To see what's required to get this degree, please visit the degree worksheet provided by TMCC.