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our esteemed instructors

photo of TMCC GRC instructor Brian Wells
Brian Wells

Brian spends his days helping students turn stick-figure ideas into slammin art, animations and webpages, when he's not remotely checking the video taping of his dog NOT bothering his neighbor. Brian promises to give students the tools they will need to succeed in TMCC's GRC Program, if, and only if the student attends class willing to learn. Guess what? Brian delivers on that promise!!

photo of TMCC GRC instructor Michael Ganschow-Grren
Michael Ganschow-Green

Michael spends his free time using Kevin Flynn's old arcade laser to upload himself to the web. When he is there he searches for new and wacked out ways to blow up the minds of his students. At the beginning of the semester, he is very honest about his mind-gelling CSS lectures, but will assure you that by the end of the semester, your web design will be better for it. Michael also delivers on his promise!!