project ywo layouts

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Juan Vazquez Lopez
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project ywo layouts

Post by Juan Vazquez Lopez »

Hello guys:

Here are my Four layouts for preliminary critique.
I choose a webpage about biology. here is the link
and below are my little changes that i did to this particular webpage, of course this are just layouts for preliminary critique so, i hope a lot feed back from you.
Juan Vazquez Lopez

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by re8ecca »

Hi Juan - I really like the direction you're going in both of your concepts. But oh no, their logo is so terrible! I'd consider redesigning it or just getting rid of it, because otherwise it's going to 'uglify' your beautiful design.

That teal green is a gorgeous color, and the photographs you're using with it are stunning. Definitely include that color in whatever masthead you design, because otherwise it'll look disjointed. Also, the black text doesn't look very readable, so I'd try white, like you did in one of your concepts, or put some kind of opaque box around the text.
Rebecca Baumann

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by gokudera08 »

Love the layout cool color choice more colors on the 2nd layout may help but not necessary i would just play with it more.
C.J. Norris. Clark Norris.

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by jennybreitrick »

I think that your second layout really does a great job in showing the audience what your page is about, without even reading it! The use of imagery is wonderful!!! And great color choice! One suggestion would be, because the title is a mouth full…I would put that logo on the left hand side maybe at the bottom of the page and that would allow you to expand the title much bigger and it wouldn’t feel so long in type…Great job!
jenny breitrick

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Alexey M
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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by Alexey M »

I love both layouts! My favorite is the second one. You really set that evolution theme in your design. Looks much better then old site.
Alexey Makovskiy

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by Heyyou »


The second layout is the strongest and I think you have made great use of your background image. Rebecca is right about the logo. That thing has to go. I also think that the header and footer need to be a lighter or darker value than the body of your page. Nice work.

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by donnalouwho »

Hi Juan!

Great designs! I, too, love the images you chose, very stunning. The colors work well also. Logo, yes, bad. You can do great one, I know you can! Other than that, maybe just a few tweaks on your body copy color. Looks great!
Donna Harn

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by mel_nunez »

hello Juan.. I like both of your pages they look fabulous is really hard to choose one. i like the color that you used and the imagery it goes with the theme of your assigned website. just one little thing that is bothering me is the actual logo, it has two strong colors. but over all the design looks great.. good job!
Jose nunez

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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by OliviasMama12 »

I think I like your second design better, because the navigation buttons seem easier to spot and more streamlined. Very nice color palate you've chosen. I agree with a previous poster that you should ditch the original logo or strengthen it. I'm having that same "logo problem" with my project!
Nicole Medrano
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Re: project ywo layouts

Post by I'mNicole »

Heya Juan.

I like the homepage on the first one; it's very neat and clean and easy to navigate. I don't really like your header the way it is right now though, because it's so colorful and vibrant against the teal/white/gray scheme of the body and footer. The gradient on the homepage helps, but not enough. Also, the background image on your content page is great but it's overwhelming to me. My eye won't know what to look at, the picture or the copy.

I'm also having that same problem with the background image on your second layout. Again, awesome image, but so awesome that it might take away from your copy. It's also hard to read your copy against the image.

Personally, I like the second one better.
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