website redesign

project requirements

The assignement for project three was to redesign the grc website. The current site was purely informational and bland. Since grc is a graphics program the idea is to make it showcase what the program is all about. There was a five page minimum for teh redesign consisting of: program overview, classes, degrees, instructor bios, and a student gallery.

Design Plan

For my redesign I wanted to convey all the information in a clean and logistical layout. I wanted to play around with jQuery and try to make the experience as fluid as possible and keeping the user immersed and not waiting for loading pages or choppy content animation.

redesigned prototype

I chose a green and black theme for my site as I felt it stuck with the tmcc homepage theme. To immerse the user I decided to make all the content on one html page and dynamicly change the content depending on what link the user would click. For the slideshow I wanted to have no distractions so I decided to hide all non necessary content so the use could just focus on the student work. I used a three tier system for displaying student work to make it as pain free as possible to find a piece of work and view it at a reduced size or full size.

View GRC redesigned site