Herding Rescue Dogs of Wyoming, Inc.

Border collie sitting in sunlight near waterfall

Ways to Help

HeRD of WY, Inc depends on willing individuals to make rescue of herding breed dogs happen.

Foster Homes

Our biggest need is for individuals and families to act as foster homes, welcoming a dog or dogs into your family for anywhere from a few days, to many months. We offer various forms of support to our volunteer foster homes and strive to make it a positive experience for everyone involved! If you are interested in becoming a foster home, please fill out our adoption application and when prompted, indicate that you are interested in being a foster home.


Transportation is always needed to help us move dogs from the shelters to their foster homes. Please let us know if you are interested in serving as a transporter.

Application Processing

We try very hard to find appropriate homes for each of our dogs, so our application process is fairly labor intensive. We are actively recruiting volunteers to help with application processing by competing reference checks and home visits.


HeRD of WY is always happy to accept donations of dog supplies, new or used. Crates, leashes, collars, shampoo, dog food, towels and blankets, etc. are happily accepted. Monetary donations are also accepted and are applied directly to the care of our animals, usually for veterinary expenses.

If interested in participating in these ways, please email for more information.