Very little is known about Dan. The story goes that he fell from the stars early one evening, and as he shot through the horizon, the sky was glowing a brilliant cyan and magenta, with hints of yellow. They say he was sent down to guide the people of Reno, Nevada down a more wholesome and aesthetic path. This was the mission given to him, and like all great heroes, he rose to the occasion, determined to spread the light that is graphic design. He then spent the next few years constructing a school of higher learning. Upon completion of the school, it was opened immediately, and he’s been busy ever since.

Brian spent his early years learning the skills of animation. One day, while walking to school, he passed by a donut shop. There, shining in its window was a glorious display of freshly fried donuts, gently glazed and still glistening in their warmth. He became so distracted by them, that he failed to notice the giant puddle of radioactive waste right in front of him. As you can guess, Brian took a stumble. After a few minutes he slowly got up, shaken by the events, but otherwise seemingly unharmed. The next day, he quickly discovered that the things he drew came alive. From then on, Brian vowed to become a super hero. He uses this job as his secret cover.

Ron was born a cat, and as such, spent much of his early years traveling from town to town in search of the perfect spot to lay. On one such day, while patrolling a courtyard for scraps, he heard the most alluring sound. Curious, as all young cats are, he pursued the noise to a charming building front. He sat, peering up and wide-eyed at the wooden sign. It spelled out the words ‘Vintage Vinyl’, but seeing as Ron was a cat, these scribbles meant nothing. So in he walked, following the sound. Once through the entryway, he magically found himself on two legs, suddenly a human, and in front of a class. Ron still teaches Photoshop, and he still has no clue as to how he got there.

Michael is not of our world. He comes from another realm far, far away, woven in the fabrics of space and time. A world where dragons roam the skies freely, knights save damsels in distress, and magic is as common as pennies. However, the existence of this place is threatened by a darkness, a mysterious entity bent on destroying everything. Michael was nothing but a young lad when he was captured by the dark creatures, and kept hoisted in a cage. Prior to being caught, he was a knight in training. One evening, while the creatures were away, a firefly flew in through a crack and whispered, “I will help you.” Michael, believing he’d gone mad, said nothing. Suddenly, the firefly emitted a burst of light that quickly consumed all of the darkness and transported him away and onto Earth. Since that time, he’s acquired a job teaching.