The Truckee Meadows Community College
Graphic Communications Program
Alongside core classes for non-graphics, there are 6 required fundamental courses and then 17 units of required emphasis courses for the Associate of Applied Science degree. The Certificate of Achievement only differs in that it requires merely 21 units from all of the GRC courses, as a whole. Though prerequisites should still be kept in mind.
These are GRC courses that focus on web development and involvement.

GRC 138 - Graphics Web Design I
Introduction to the creation, layout and production of web pages, including the integration of imagery, typography and color. Basic programming concepts, including HTML and CSS. Course will integrate basic business math and business communication instruction into an integrated, project-based curriculum.

Units: 6
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite GRC 137 or Acceptance into the GRC Web Design Fast-Track program.
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

GRC 238 - Graphics Web Design II
Intermediate course in the creation, layout and production of web pages, including developing intermediate-level layout and design skills. Continued instruction in programming languages relevant to web design and production. Course will integrate human relations instruction into an integrated, project-based curriculum.

Units: 6
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite GRC 138 or Acceptance into the GRC Web Design Fast-Track program.
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

GRC 239 - Graphics Web Design III
Advanced course in the creation, layout and production of web pages, including developing advanced-level layout and design skills. Continued instruction in programming languages relevant to web design and production. Course will integrate human relations instruction into an integrated, project-based curriculum, including the development of a student portfolio website for employment in the industry.

Units: 6
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite GRC 238 or Acceptance into the GRC Web Design Fast-Track program.
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

GRC 175 - Web Design and Publishing I
Introduction to authoring for the World Wide Web using industry standard software applications. Topics covered include planning, designing and building a Web site, aesthetics, creating and optimizing computer graphics for Web, information architecture, navigation and interactivity, Web publishing, Web hosting and site management.

Term Offered: As needed
Units: 4
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite GRC 119 or approval of instructor
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

GRC 275 - Web Design II
Advanced Web page design using industry-standard applications. Topics include planning and design, programming, interactivity, behaviors, animation, page weighting, meta tags, databases, Web hosting and site management.

Term Offered: As needed
Units: 3-4
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisite GRC 175 or approval of instructor
Transferability: May not transfer towards an NSHE bachelor's degree

Associate of
Applied Science
of Achievement