
Daniel Bouweraerts

Ron Marston

Brian Wells

Michael Ganschow Green

Name: Daniel Bouweraerts
Title: Graphic Communications Professor
Bio: Typography Extraordinaire; Has a vast collection of fancy ties
Location: SIER 202 F
Telephone: 775-673-7266
Online: Faculty Website

Name: Ron Marston
Title: Graphic Communications Professor; Department Chair
Bio: Certified Expert in Adobe Suite; Cradles pixels like little babies
Location: SIER 202 G
Telephone: 775-674-7938
Online: Faculty Website

Name: Brian Wells
Title: Graphic Communications Professor
Bio: Accomplished Animator; Likes mining & Cheez-Its
Location: SIER 202 M
Telephone: 775-673-8223

Name: Michael Ganschow-Green
Title: Graphic Communications Professor
Bio: Skillful graphic and web designer; Shows HTML and CSS who's boss
Telephone: 1-775-673-8200 ext.5-2173