Empire of Chivalry and Steel
Note: We accept any level of experience. We also offer loaner gear (minus the sports cup)
Weapon Type
  Armor Reqs.
Req. to Weild
  • fencing helmet
  • gloves
  • sports cup (for men)
Field marshal clears you for combat
  • fencing helmet
  • gloves
  • sports cup (for men)
  • neck guard (gorget)
Field marshal clears you for combat
  • fencing helmet
  • good gloves
  • sports cup (for men)
  • neck guard (gorget)
  • chest padding
When the field marshel deems you ready
Blunted Full Steel
  • 18 gage steel everything
  • 18 gage steel helmet that does not have eyeslits that will allow a sword to pass
You have obtained enough points from the other forms of combat and are deemed ready