Witness Protection Teacher #1: Codename: "Beaker"

Witness Protection Teacher #1

This teacher might panic from time to time, but has your back. Any questions, please sneak up behind him and scream "I NEED HELP!".

Witness Protection Teacher #2: Codename: "Cookie Monster"

You can bribe this teacher with cookies. It is unknown if this actually affects your grade, but as you go into finals, you feel better.

Witness Protection Teacher #3: Codename: "Drummer"

This teacher goes to the extreme and pushes the boundry of what is and isn't okay in design. He also laughs like a madman. He may or may not have a thing for the really good graphic erasures.

Witness Protection Teacher #4: Codename: "Kermit"

This teacher is level-headed and calm. They also enjoys walks in the park and wearing pigeons as hats.

Witness Protection Teacher #5: Codename "Swedish Chef"

No one can understand this teacher, but that's okay. Just write what you think he is saying and just roll with it. You will surely learn something in the end.