Serene Naturist

Couple Massages

This may mean different things to different people, so I will explain here what it means to us, and how we go about things.

It is company policy that the lady must make the initial call to us. Sorry guys, but we have learned that otherwise  there will be a number of guys wanting to discuss their wife swapping fantasies etc. with us, but that's not what we are offering, ... and neither are we a chat line! Which is really who they ought to be calling - so we don't have the time to waste indulging in any phone fantasies - as it has always been the men, (sorry just truthful,) who attempt what we regard as nuisance calls, by asking the lady to call, this cuts everything back to the genuine couples. If at any time anyone compromises our professional Status or reputation during a phone call or makes us feel in any way uncomfortable, then the call will not be taken any further or an appointment offered. We only discuss Traditional and Nationally accredited and recognized therapies on the phone. So if it is a genuine couple massage experience you are looking for, then read on ...  if not kindly look else where. You  do need to allow about 3 hours in your schedule for the both of you.

Clipping and Shaving

Why Shave? Well why does a man shave his face, to feel and look nice, to show the contours of his face, and to look neat and tidy. Oh please don't misunderstand me, I personally find a well trimmed beard very attractive but I wouldn't want to kiss a cave man for example!

So just as a lovely smooth shaven face has an appealing and cared for quality, so can the body. After all if we just left our body hair to grow and grow, some of us would look pretty unkempt and untidy, you know like the cave man I just mentioned.

 It is certainly more comfortable to be shaven in warm weather, and as hairs hold sweat which causes bacteria and odour to form, it is definitely more hygienic to be at least a little groomed.

 Ladies and gentlemen have trimmed and pruned and shaped and shaved all body hair area for ages,but  this is where the naturist comes into their own. Once you start to shave it seems you can't stop! Be careful, before you know where you are you may have turned into a smoothie!