
Shman Shmouweaerts
Shman Shmouweraerts is a professor at TMCC who has been a professor for so long that your other TMCC professors will have been his students 9 times out of 10. With his degree from Shmal Shmoly State University in Shman Shmuis Shmobispo- which I didn’t even have to look up because he will never let you forget- you can be sure to receive quality educational advice such as: your typography is stinky, don’t ever outline objects ever that’s so gross what are thinking, and if you leave the sizes as the ones recommended by software I will fight you.

Gertie the Dinosaur
You will learn about Gertie. You already know about Gertie? No. You know nothing of Gertie. You will learn more. Stop your crying child, do you not wish to learn all there is the know about Miss Gertie? Do you not wish to learn her secrets? Her power? Oh you wish to animate? How do you expect to animate if you do not know what year Gertie was manifested? Only when you know the pure sorcery Gertie possesses will you be able to hold the capabilities needed to puppeteer drawings to your will. Only then will you know.