Graphic Arts and Media Technology - TMCC

Most Asked Questions

Are there any additional fees for Visual and Performing Arts classes?

Many studio classes have a lab fee that is charged in addition to the per-credit fee.

Are there any degree programs in Visual and Performing Arts?

Yes. Please view the current TMCC College Catalog for more information.

An Associate of Arts Degree (AA) in Fine Arts is available (with emphases in Art History, Visual Arts, Music and Theatre).

An Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS) is available in Graphic Arts and Media Technology.

A Certificate of Achievement may be earned in Music or in Theatre, or in Graphic Communications (with emphasis in Computer Graphics, Digital Media or Imaging Technologies).

Are there any prerequisites for Visual and Performing Arts?

There are no prerequisites for entry-level classes.

For coursework that extends over several semesters such as Art, Graphic Communications, Music and Theatre a logical sequence of classes is recommended.

Do Visual and Performing Arts classes fulfill UNR's diversity requirements?

Currently, there are three approved diversity classes:

  • ART 263 Survey of African, Oceanic and Native American Art

  • ART 270 Women in Art

  • THTR 210 Theatre: A Cultural Context
  • Does the Graphic Communications program have a waitlist? What is the process?

    The Visual and Performing Arts department does not offer a wait list for its programs. Please use MyTMCC to register for the classes you'd like to attend.

    How many credits are the Visual and Performing Arts classes?

    Most classes are offered for three credits.

    However, some art and theatre classes are four to six credits, and some Dance, Graphic Communications and Music classes are one or two credits.

    Please see the college course catalog as some classes are variable credit and/or repeatable for credit.

    What are the Visual and Performing Arts?

    In the Visual and Performing Arts we look at cultures and the artistic expressions of the people of the world. We create works of art and perform dance, music and plays.

    What do Visual and Performing Arts classes cost?

    View current TMCC tuition fees

    What Visual and Performing Arts classes are being offered?

    TMCC's Visual and Performing Arts department offers classes at the first-year and second-year levels in Art Appreciation and studio classes, Dance, Graphic Communications, Music classes, ensembles and applied lessons and Theatre.

    Where can I get more information on TMCC's Visual and Performing Arts Program?

    Visual Arts include the disciplines: Art and Graphic Communications. Performing Arts include the disciplines: Dance, Music and Theatre and Performing Arts.

    For more information please contact us. Information can be found on the faculty page.

    Which Visual and Performing Arts Classes fulfill the Fine Arts requirement?

    If you have questions about classes meeting certain degree requirements, please visit the Academic Advisement Office. You can also find more information in the current TMCC College Catalog.

    Transfer students can choose one of the following classes to fulfill the Fine Arts requirement:

  • ART 100, 160, 260*, 261*, 263, 264, 265, 270, 295, 296, 297*,

  • DAN 138, 139,

  • MUS 101, 121, 225, 226,

  • THTR 100, 105, 180, 200, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 231, 235 or 258.

  • General Studies degree seeking students can choose one of the following classes to fulfill the Fine Arts requirement:

  • ART (any course 100-level or above),

  • DAN 138, 139,

  • MUS 101, 121, 225, 226,

  • THTR 100, 105, 200, 205, 206, 209, 210, 224, 235, 245, 252, 253, 255 or 258.
  • Who takes Visual and Performing Arts classes?

    Most students take the classes to fulfill General Education requirements.

    Depending on the specific class, the arts fulfill general humanities requirements for associate degrees. The Arts, Graphic Communications, Music and Theatre classes may meet the requirements for specific degree programs. View the current TMCC College Catalog for specific, current information on General Education requirements by degree.

    Other students take these classes for personal development or to pursue an interest in the creative or performing arts.