TMCC Graphic Communications

Lets get to know your instructors!

Dan Bouweraerts

Dan is a Southern Californian Designer who graduated from Santa Monica College as well as University Nevada Reno. He has worked in the graphics field for twenty plus years and now teaches typography and image layout software to TMCC students. However what you may not know is that he is the Clan leader of the Pen Tool Ninjutsu Dojo here on campus.

Michael Ganschow-Green

Michael is the web designer. He can read and understand HTML, Java Script, PHP and Internet Memes. He no doubt saw Dan’s and Brian’s beards and said “You know what Ill one up their beards” His classes are very informative and are one of the best ways to learn Dreamweaver and its dirty lies!

Ron Marston

Ron is the foremost expert on Photoshop and print design in the GRC program. If you were to as a technical question he will come up with a half million ways to solve it. Ron is also a member of the faculty senate most likely due to his calming effect in a class room.

Brian Wells

Brian may seem calm on the surface but this former animator on the Simpsons can and will become a fully animated character! He is the motion video and animation expert. His animation and storyboard classes are always up to some big project like the animated commercial which can be found in the student gallery!