Lab Times

GRC Program
Degrees and Certificate
Dan B
Dan Bouweraerts, self-portrait
Young Michael Ganchow-Green
Ron Marston
Ron a.k.a. 'Mr. Photoshop' Marston
Brian Wells
Brian Wells, Photograph not available
Daniel Bouweraerts, Professor
Ph.D University of St. Jude, Mexico City, Mexico, 1988

Finds his happiness in old school music right off the LP. Possesses an impressive collection of ties that scream, "I like design!" Endures his daughter's music stations in the pursuit of staying hip and cool. Was intimate with the Macintosh 128K in his formative years. Knows why the Chinese failed at having a lasting printing press.

Honors/Awards Best Designer who Started out as an Architecht, 2000

College Activities
Professor, Sanskrit, Gutenberg Printing AND Gestaltive Theories.
Faculty Advisor, Typeography Club

"Identity Design for the Souless" International Workshop on Deep, Deep Stuff (IWDDS 2007),Peoria, IL (April, 2007). With Ray Seiffert.

Michael Ganchow-Green, Professor
Ph.D University of St. Stansilaus, Mexico City, Mexico, 1999

Originally centered myself through prolonged fasting and meditation on typography. Having experienced typographic Nirvana, I now specialize in applying polka-dot wall paper with no apparent seams. One of two ongoing research projects in this area is the modeling of rustle-free painter pants. I find synthetic silk to be very promising in this area. The other project is a secret. I will not divulge it. Many have beaten me in dark alleys to no avail. All I can say is that it should yield some intriguing insights into edible wallpaper paste. Let's just say, you can paper for days without pausing for nutrition.

Honors/Awards Best Costume, Faculty Halloween Party, 2009

College Activities
Professor, Webanomics, Webology, AND Webaculture. BOOYAH BABY!
Member, Class Favorites Selection Committee
Member, Master of Adobe Trivia Committee
Faculty Advisor, Dog Whisperer Club

"A Probabilistically Correct Guessing Method for Absolute Positioning of Web Elements" International Workshop on Mundane Web Minutiae (WWWMWM 2011), Alpine, TX (April, 2011). With Zhen Xiao.

Of Note but not Applicable to any Categories Above:
Once had coffee in a coffee shop at a table next to the table where George Bush and Dick Cheney were having coffee. They ordered fries and coffee. I noted there was not a ketchup bottle on their table. I tapped President Bush on the shoulder and offered him the bottle off of my table.
Ron Marston, Professor
Ph.D University of St. Mary Margaret, Mexico City, Mexico, 1992

Likes pixels. Keen interest in chocolate banana cupcakes. Can make clipping masks like nobody's business.

Honors/Awards Best Pterodactyl Remote Controlled Aircraft, Faculty Art Show, 2010

College Activities
Professor, Pixology, Image Hounding, AND Photoshopping in Your Spare Time

"Tackling Gorbachev's Mole and The Soviet Poster" International Workshop on Political Symbols(IWPS 2011), Moscow, ID (October, 2011).

Brian Wells, Professor
Ph.D University of St. Christopher, Mexico City, Mexico, 1986

Did not respond to this questionaiire. Publically available information tells us nothing. He teaches animation.

Honors/Awards Best Kept Secret, 2006

College Activities
Professor, Animating Digital Skeletons, Animating Pudding, Animating Roadkill.
Member, I Love Animation Committee