Daniel Bouweraerts


Ron Marston


Brian Wells

Mike Ganschow-Green

"Its just the nature of the beast."

Dan is the core of the GRC program and has the most amount of years training and torturing the minds of the future designers.

This is the teacher to come to if you need advice of becoming a serious designer.

"I make kites."

Ron is the Introvert of the pack but has vast knowledge on all software related tips and tricks. Marston will teach you Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign.

"Jobs are filled by the guys with drive not talent."

Brian is the craziest and most bold. Teaching illustration and animation Wells knows how to the lead to paper.

"Lets make this look awful with the bright lime green color...perfect."

Mike teaches web design and shows students around the ways to make websites and to scare your eyeballs with awful color combos.