Dan Boweraerts started the GRC program at TMCC. He is a former space ranger. He fought aliens on 45 foreign planets. Later on, he got bored and decided to teach graphic design in a remote location in Nevada.
Brian Wells was once a badger trainer at the Jones & Co. circus in Plark, Virginia. The badgers began to fear him and would no longer come out of their cages. Brian decided to leave the circus and became an animation teacher.
Ron Marston built a time machine and travelled back to prehistory to study dinosaurs. He knows more about dinosaurs than any paleontologist or toaster oven. He came back to the year 2014 to form an army of robotic pterosaurs and to teach the ways of print to college students.
Michael Ganschow-Green has been mistaken for a yeti, a bear, and a monster. He is, in fact, all three of these. He just wants to live a normal life among humans and other hybrid monsters in which he can create really cool websites.