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Program Overview

Competency-based Program

You, as a learner, are the most important part of instruction. In performance-based instruction, we carefully identify what you need to be able to do as a result of an instructional experience. Next, we determine how you can show that you have learned these skills. Finally, we plan learning activities that will help you develop the skills.

Performance-based instruction offers many advantages

What you will learn is based on the skills you will need rather than on outlines of information. When you complete a learning experience, you have documentation showing the skills you have learned. You can use this information when you seek employment, admission to further education, advanced standing or transfer of credit.

Program Assessment

Over the course of the program, students will complete a portfolio demonstrating an ability to solve increasingly difficult graphic problems. The portfolio will also contain the student's resume. Students will complete a comprehensive program pre/post examination. Students must score a 70% or higher on the post test or repeat the test.


Enroll Now for Summer & Fall

New HTML course schedule by TMCC’s Web Services team gives students a better online searching experience.


Part-time Faculty Awards and Recognition Ceremony

Thursday, April 21 Student Center, Dandini Campus


TMCC provides choices:

161 degrees, certificates and skills certificates in 56 varied programs along with convenience, flexible schedules and affordability.