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Truckee Meadows Community College

GRC Faculty

Michael Ganschow-Green has been mistaken for Hagrid and his students get excited about being taught by the great Hogwarts legend. Some students suspect he was once a bomb technician since he likes to blow up webistes and make them look hideous. He is in fact a web master guru who will make your head explode with html and css madness.
Dan Boweraerts started the GRC program at TMCC. He is a fierce leader of those pursuing to be Grahpic Designers. He grew up in the sunny state of California where he terrorized the locals. He was put under witness protection and was removed to a remote location in Nevada to teach GRC clases to a captive audience.
Brian Wells was once a cartoon character where he gave joy to grown up children. He left that gig to pursue teaching and to pan for gold in remote regions of the Misty Mountains. He will on occasion remind you of Homer Simpson and you will wonder if your are dealing in reality.
Ron Marston built a time machine so he could travel back to approximately 1440 to work on the printing press and to wipe out Gutenberg from the history books. He also rides a penny-farthing (high wheeler bicycle) which looks like an accident waiting to happen, and probably has.