Welcome to the Basics Page here you will learn some of the most vital things to do and not to do in the game lets get started!

First things first the main thing you need to be thinking in Blood Bowl is how to manage your risks the more risks you take the greater the rewards but if their fail you could lose a player or be left in a bad spot leaveing the enemy team to score and no one wants that.

To manage your risks the goal is to play safe first start by standing the players that got knocked down first this will atleast ativate their tackle zones making it harder for the opponet to score. next move the players that dont need to tackle or can move to help your blocks get more dice then move those who wont have to go trough tackle zones into place to cover the enemy team. next make your blocks starting from 3 die blocks because you will choose the dice that is taken and rolling more gets you better chances to knock the opponet down. after that do 2 dice rolls dont go any lower then that unless its nesscary and finally do plays with the ball everything you do with the ball is a roll from picking it up to passing handing of or even catching it.

Tackle zones: a Tackle zone is the 8 spaces around any player when you run into one you have to make a roll of 3 or better to get though it also your agility will be added to the dice roll however for each tackle zone you go through it will minus 1 making it harder to run past 2 people then it is to get past one. A downed player will not have tackle zone squares so try to knock down as many people as you can before running that touchdown in.

Finnaly the best thing to remember is that this is a game and while this will help you the best thing you can do is find your own playstyle and HAVE FUN otherwise your doing it wrong.