Below is the list of teams avlible in the game.

Amazon: These jungle woman are all about the dodge game making them one of the best teams in game game. All of them start with the dodge skill one of the best skills in the game letting you reroll a failed dodge roll also the defender stumbles roll now turns into a push making it much harder to knock them down. Their weakness lies in their avrage skills across the bored and their low armor Value.

Chaos: Feel like giving a beatdown rather then actualy playing a fair game then chaos is your answer! these behemoths have high armor and 4 chaos warriors with the strength to match their numbers. Add that to their beastmen stabbing the opposing team with their horns and you can decimate your opponets team in seconds. That being said dont expect to score much if you cant get rid of the oposing team with low agility and no ball handleing skills to start with scoring a touchdown isnt the easyst thing to do being as they can barly pick up the ball.

Chaos Dwarfs: Just like their taller brothren this team is all about the beatdown having acess to strong players with block and tackle to negate the dodge skill means no one escapes from them. Their bull centaurs are bulky runners and hard to take down however the team also has a few hob goblins that are rather weak and will need to be protected if you want to have 11 players on the pitch.

Dark Elf's: Agility 4 some great movement and that armor make Dark Elf scream a great team like all the elven teams their great at ball handleing and this team can stab the enemy with their wonderful assassions. However they are slower then their elven brothern and cant punch out the bigger teams leaving them alot to be desired but dont let that stop you why roll on a tackle when you can just run up and stab them to see if they will fall over?

Dwarf: Short Sturdy acess to a Deadly Steamroller not much you can say bad about the wonderful dwarfs. however their habbits of drinking tend to make it hard for them to pick up the ball but who needs that when you can run over the enemy team?

Elf: This team is avrage all around strong players nice agility and strength but theirs nothing special about them.

Goblins: Chainsaws pogo sticks a giant troll this team is great untill they all get kicked off the field for having weapons but they are a joke team to begin with good luck to those of you who want to try them.

Halphlings: This team is short fat and all around useless however you do get a dicount on a halphing chef! Overall though their just death fodder for other teams to build up sp however if you like a challenge theirs no better team for you.

High Elf: The masters of the pass game the main weakness is the cost of the players is so high you wont be able to aford any rerolls or an apothacary for awhile and thats troublesome when you could loose a very expencive player. However if they cant hit you your one of the only teams who can score a touchdown on the first turn.

Humans: Average players with a focus on defence nothing is really bad but nothing is great eaither.

Khemari: Welcome to egypt where your four strength 5 mummies will be trashing your opponets team to death. however dont be in denile about the low agility of this team you can throw down with the best of them but you cant run away.

Lizardman: The creators of the game and their great because of it you have skinks to carry the ball and saurus to block its a perfect mix as long as you can use them properly.

Necromatic: This ghoulish team loves to beatdown the enemy and can run well the weakness is that they have below avrage stats and dont start with any admarible skills so it takes awhile to power them up.

Norse: A Round of blocks for all. This team starts with block on almost everyone and it lets them start off great however their low armor value seems to hold them back when their blocking fails.

Nurgle: This is the team where fouling is important being able to turn anyone they kill into a mindless zombie for their team is wonderful however high rerolls and odd starting skills make this a hard team for beginners.

Ogre: Big powerful but to stupid to remember what their doing and their snotlings are just targets to murder one of the hardest teams to play because they refuse to listen to the coach.

Orcs: Best starting stats in the game but very few skills mean they will have a hard time building up points.

Skraven: Rats with metal arms that move faster then anyone their weakness lies in their armor dieing quickly however they can score in a single play from the mid field a skill only them and high elfs can do.

Undead: Zombies Ghouls Wrights all powerful and all potent at their goals this team is strong and balenced however their lack of apothacary leaves their players with more injuries then other teams.

Underworld: Goblins and scravens who love mutations but hate teamwork making them very complex.

Vampires: Strong base stats and some of the best starting skills in the game a great team when their not sucking the blood of their teamates.

Wood Elf: They love trees and frolic around the field with ease however their armor means they will get hit ALOT.