Brief Description
Introductory classes are required at TMCC in order to move onto the more advanced classes in the program. These classses include GRC 107, 109 and 110; the three classes teach students basics of design, color theories and the idea of composition, as well as basic drawing skills. Once these classes are complete students must take GRC 118, and 119; 118 is a course that will teach students how to use Photoshop, Illustartor and InDesign (this course is print oriented); 119 is a course that will teach students Flash animation, Premiere (video editing) and the basics of Dreamweaver, this class is an introduction to animation and web design.
After students have complete the first five courses of the GRC program, they are noe able to pick from any advanced level courses such as GRC 153 a commerical printing class, or GRC 135 a storyboard animation class. Students can choose up to seven or more classes of the advnaced classes. The work from these classes will alllow students to build a portfolio for the porfolio class offered in the spring time of their last semester of TMCC.
GRC 107 - Design FundamentalsGRC 109 - Color and Design
GRC 110 - Rendering and Illustration
GRC 111 - History of Visual Communications
GRC 118 - Computer Graphics/Print Media
GRC 119 - Computer Graphics/Digital Media
GRC 120 - Software Apllication-Beginning Photoshop
GRC 130 - Software Apllication-Beginning Flash
GRC 144 - Electronic Layout and Typography
GRC 156 - Computer Illustration
GRC 175 - Web Design and Publishing I
GRC 181 - Digital Video I
GRC 188 - Web Animation and Interactivity I
GRC 256 - Computer Illustration II
GRC 275 - Web Design and Publishing II
GRC 294 - Professional Portfolio