website redesign

project requirements

We were to chose a poorly designed website and redesign it with specific goals in mind. Once we chose the website we were to develop a site map as well as a needs and goals analysis to help develop our final site. Once we had our ideas ready we created a five page working prototype that showcased our creative vision for the new website as well as solve any number of problems with the original site.

redesigned website

For my redesign I chose for several reasons. I felt there was enough content to make a five page prototype work and the business is local. I preferred to chose something local for the possibility of selling my work after I completed this project

redesigned prototype

I wanted to accomplish several things with my redesign of there site. The first was to rebrand the company and give them an actual logo that they could then use to promote themselves. For the layout of the site I wanted to keep the informational aspect of the old site and give them a fresh new look. I also wanted to target their potential customers with the presentation of the site so I chose imagery that would emphasis the family friendly nature of eagle fitness.

View Eagle Fitness Redesign