A message from our President...

March, 2011

Dancing is a way to reach the inner soul and to shake off the burdens of life in an analytical, technology intense existence. It is the goal of our dance club to facilitate that process by encouraging west coast swing, having our monthly dance, advertising dance events, bringing in famous instructors, playing good music and anything else we can think of.

In the past year or so we have purchased a sound system, brought in a lot of instructors, had some great dances and lots of fun. For the next year we hope to add more instructors, start having Novice Jack and Jills, and continue having fun.

We're open to ideas and help. If you would like to join us in our feeding of the dance need, come see me at any dance. We need volunteers, between moving chairs and organizing things there is always more work to do. If we get enough volunteers we might even have a convention ;o)

Life's a dance. Some times you lead, sometimes you follow, sometimes you stumble and sometimes you stumble into the most wonderful people in the world.

See you on the dance floor.

Don Bush