Board of Directors

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President Don Bush
Vice President Ben Roeloffs
Secretary Alicia Powers
Treasurer Steve Rudy
Membership Director Sue Bush
Webmaster Josh Hatefi
Director Miriam Korros
Activities Director Virginia Smith

Description of Leadership Positions


Responsible to: The Club Membership


  • Previous experience as a leader
  • Must know how to motivate and lead
  • Have the ability to lead an organized meeting
  • Directors general qualifications
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Ability to be self starting and enlist enthusiasm of membership

Job Summary:

  • Presides at all Club Meetings
  • Serves as coordinator for the Board
  • Is the spokesperson for the Club
  • Gives direction to the Board
  • Sets the agenda for Board meetings

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Chairs the Board of Directors
  • Chairs the Executive Committee
  • Works closely with Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairs
  • Presides at all meetings of the Board and Club
  • Starts all meetings on time
  • Prepares the meeting agendas
  • Know parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order
  • Assists Directors as necessary
  • Organize and manage the responsibilities of Directors and Committee Chairs
  • Maintains focus and implementation of the Club goals
  • Schedule annual meeting of Membership

Vice President

Responsible to: The President


  • Knowledge and ability to take the place of the President
  • Have the ability to lead an organized meeting
  • Directors general qualifications
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Ability to be self starting and enlist enthusiasm of membership

Job Summary:

  • Presides at all Club Meetings when President is absent
  • Performs all functions of the President in his/her absence
  • Is an AD HOC member of all Committees
  • Works closely with the President on all matters

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Serves on the Executive Committee
  • Is a member of the Financial Committee
  • Works closely with the President in all matters
  • Know parliamentary procedures in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order
  • Assists the Committees in understanding their responsibilities
  • Assumes the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence
  • Chairs the Nominating Committee
  • Present slate of nominations at the October Board Meeting

Under Construction! More to come....